
your imagination is the only limit


We realised that existing solutions were missing something, so when we designed the IDRATEK solution we added another dimension — built-in communications:

I want to speak to my husband from my garden office

With IDRATEKs unique built-in intercom function it’s easy to talk anywhere in your property. One of our customers loves the ability to ask for a cup of tea from the summerhouse!

I need to keep an ear out for my baby crying

Our solution builds on the audio capability to include baby monitoring on any audio enabled panel

I want to set myself a reminder

It’s easy to record a memo and leave it for yourself or someone else. You can recall any messages directly or have them automatically played back — perhaps when you open the front door so you don’t forget to take something or on your return.

I don’t want to get out of my armchair to check the temperature on the thermostat

We agree, which is why we’ve integrated IR remote control and audio, so you can check the status of your heating using your remote control and our system will read it out. Of course, it’s not limited to just the current temperature, you can check any status and also change settings using a spoken menu system.

I can’t hear the doorbell from the back room

Connect your bell push to one of our modules and our system can play any sound you like anywhere you have an audio-enabled panel. You need never miss a caller again.

I’ve always fancied a dinner gong

We can’t give you a gong, but we can play a gong sound through our panels at the touch of a button. You can add any sound file you want — one customer has even used “Lurch” from the Munsters!

I’d like to use Skype™ to call home even when there’s no-one at a computer

We’ve included support for Skype so you can make save money when calling home. Any audio enabled panel can handle a Skype call.

Contact us to discuss your project and how we can help.